Friday, April 27, 2007

Where did everybody go?

I'm guessing this quiet lull means that we are either a boring family who never does anything postable or a technologically challenged family who doesn't know how to post on a blog. Or, perhaps, I should add a third option - we are a lazy family who doesn't like to work!

So I am overcoming this genetic heritage and posting something. Let's see, what news can I share?

Life is great down here in the "sun city" of El Paso. So far I've had not a single cockroach in my house, for which I am truly thankful. The flowers have bloomed, the temperatures are in the high 70s/low 80s, and this week a new church building is going up in Juarez, so we are all very excited.

I think someone ought to post a report of Kim's surgery, but not me, cause I don't know enough about it.

Okay, well, this is pretty boring, but I guess that's because I don't know much. If anyone knows a good way to get iced tea out of shirts, I would appreciate the help.

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