Had an awesome day watching Jed as he started his Junior Achievement group at Masoyi Home Based Care. He had 19 teens, but there were about 70 children there altogether. Some of the others came for the youth program, but most came hoping to get some of the free food. They had a chicken stew like thing, pap (which looks to me like a really thick Cream of Wheat), cold beans, cole slaw and juice. The trainers for Jed's program are in their late teens and early twenties. The kids were very polite and seemed interested. Some of their questions and answers were so interesting. For example, they thought that there were more people in rural areas than in an urban area. They also felt that T-shirts and short pants as well as a dentist were wants rather than needs. That was also true for meat. When you see how and where they live you can begin to see why they think that way. It was fun to watch Jed at work.
Last night we babysat for some Hands at Work volunteers from South Africa. They had three children. One was in bed (the two year old adopted boy). The 2 1/2 year old girl and the 5 year old girl were our responsibility. They had such adorable English accents! Jed and Brooke are great with kids and it was really fun watching them interact with the girls. They are staying in practice with their babysitting skills so Jodi, Kathy and Sandy don't need to worry that they will be out of practice when they return to the States!
So impressed for many reasons. Jed, the work you do is amazing and I would love to see you "teaching". And my mother is finally posting a full peice on the blog. With pictures, too! Great job everyone!
Pam, did you really do this all by yourself? Thanks for keeping us posted, we think of you often.
I expected you to hit the ground running and it looks like you're getting orientated. So many people ask about how things are going for you. I am wondering how you are adjusting to the time change and the food and the climate. Did you pack appropriately?
your Mother (at Shelly's)
Hope you are continuing to have the time of your life.
We continue to keep you in our prayers and know the Lord is using you.
Beth P
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