Sunday, November 16, 2008

Historical and Biographical Notes

At the insistance of Alison, I have re-typed some 13 pages of history that was dated February, 1941, on the top of a document she received at mom's house. It is a history of the Krumwiede family, mostly dealing in the late 1800's. It was Alison's intention to make this available to anyone interested, so here it is. It was difficult to re-type in that the spelling was often wrong, and I hesitated to correct it as the misspellings themselves were part of the character. Anyway, for anyone who is interested, here it is. I am returning the original document to mom.

1 comment:

A Member said...

Thanks Shelly. Emily and I printed it off and it is so good. Emily loves the part about the christian education. I guess it is part of our heritage. I looked on line and the school they started is going strong even though there is not much else in that little town it seems. Alison