Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The following pictures are of what's going on around here...BEAUTIFUL fall leaves on the mountains, and our obsession with canned applesauce. We spent TEN HOURS canning 2 bushels of apples on Saturday, and we ended up with 35 quarts. We had to make enough for ourselves, a few Christmas presents, and to give to Naomi, since she canned 10 jars of salsa for us. I particularly like the non-staged picture of Todd working. Notice the hot mitt in his back pocket. He was more into it than I was. :-) The blanket picture is to benefit my sisters. I wanted to show them what the blanket I just finished making looks like. I hope you're all having a great day! Talk to you soon.

Hannah and Todd

P.S. Our apartment is usually spotless, so I put the picture of me sewing during our canning day in there to remind me what our apartment CAN look like if I'm not daily obsessed. This is not normal.

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