In response to the pressure from Alison, I am posting the latest pictures of my daughters. The minute these photos go up, I will get pressure from my daughters who will want to know why I did it. I think pregnant women are beautiful, so I think they all look great. FYI, the pictures are in order of the anticipated arrival. Here is "Baby Boy Huber".

Here is Thomas Valine. My favorite picture of Emma's belly is not her favorite, so I chose to post this less revealing photo. What a great mother-in-law!
Here is the "Gender unknown Baby Marks". Why anyone would have a gender unknown child in today's world is beyond me! It has given Paul and I something to banter about for seven and a half months now. FYI, I am a great mother-in-law here, also, because they have left the sealed envelope with the child's gender written inside lying in plain view on the desk in the living room ever since they got it. I have not peeked, steamed, held up to the light, or out and out stolen the envelope! I have been tempted to do all of the above, but I have refrained. What I have done, however, is buy this gender unknown child several dresses. Couldn't help myself!

Expected arrival dates are between August 2 and September 2. It will certainly be a month for the Valine family history book!