It's been a long time since I've posted on the Krumwiede blog, and since I'm the administrator, I guess I shouldn't let that happen. I didn't even make it possible for everyone to make fun of each other a few months ago, since hardly anyone posted before the deadline. But, I thought that I'd post a little update on what's happening in my life.
I'm spending the spring/most of the summer in Souderton, Pennsylvania. As you may recall, Hannah spent the summer here two years ago, and Martha did last year. The Joni and Friends Greater Philadelphia office is located here. This office, along with the Lancaster, PA office, holds several weeks of family retreats for families affected by disabilities in the summer. Right now, I am doing a lot of office work and organization (mostly working with the online registration system, making sure all of the volunteers are registered). As we get closer to retreats starting, I will get to play with Power Points, nametags, and lots of other fun stuff.
I volunteer there Monday through Friday, and then I spend the weekends with a family I have known from camp for several years. They have two older girls (ages fifteen and twelve) and twin eight-year-old girls with disabilities. I enjoy my time with them, even though it is tiring. It's great to be here, though, and I'm discovering the things I need to keep from being lonely or sad--mainly time to work out at the YMCA and good food.
I am looking foward to some "vacations" later on this month. Memorial Day weekend I am going to Lancaster, PA to visit another family from camp. The following weekend, I am going on a young adult retreat with the church I have been attending. After camp (which ends on the Fourth of July), I will be going home. I have a camping trip planned then with some friends, which I am really looking foward to. In August, I attend one more week of family retreats before returning to Souderton. The twins are having knee surgery, so I will be here for a few weeks helping them before flying down to San Antonio to be with Sebastian when Micah and Emma have their baby.
So, that's my summer. I'm learning all sorts of things, enjoying this chance to draw closer to God, and having a rich and meaningful time of life.

Me working in my office

Jerry and Joan, the couple that I am living and working with

The coffee shop at the church that I go to on Wedesday nights.

Candace and Ciara, the twins

Candace and I